Compression Therapy For Vein Disease

Let’s talk about Compression therapy for Vein disease! It is safe to say that vein disease can impact your life negatively, from swelling and discomfort while standing to the inability to walk without pain. Treatments for vascular diseases can range from simple compression therapy to full-on vascular surgery. Treating venous reflux disease as soon as possible will improve symptoms and delay the onset of more serious vein conditions once they start. One of the most effective treatments for vein disease is compression therapy. This article will explore all the benefits this treat me has when suffering from vein disease.

What is Compression Therapy?

Compression therapy involves wearing non-invasive and specially designed stockings or bandages that provide graduated pressure to the affected area. The pressure helps to improve blood flow and reduce swelling in the legs. Compression therapy is used to treat a range of conditions, including vein disease, lymphedema, and deep vein thrombosis.

How Does Compression Therapy Work?

how compression therapy works for vein disease
Compression Therapy For Vein Disease

Compression stockings and bandages apply pressure to the legs, ankles, and feet. The force is most significant at the ankle and gradually decreases as it moves up the leg. This graduated pressure helps push blood back toward the heart, reducing blood pooling in the veins. Compression therapy also helps reduce swelling by preventing fluid from accumulating in the tissues.

Benefits of Compression Therapy for Vein Disease

Reduces Pain and Discomfort

One of the most significant benefits is reducing pain and discomfort. Compression stockings and bandages help improve blood flow, alleviating leg pain and swelling. This therapy can improve blood flow and reduce the risk of developing leg ulcers, which can be painful and challenging to treat.

Prevents Blood Clots

Vein disease increases the risk of developing blood clots, which can be life-threatening if they travel to the lungs or brain. It also helps prevent blood clots by improving blood flow and reducing the amount of blood that concentrates in the veins. By keeping blood flowing smoothly, it is also great for reducing the risk of developing blood clots.

Improves Quality of Life

Vein disease can significantly impact a person’s quality of life, causing pain, discomfort, and reduced mobility. It can also help improve quality of life by reducing swelling, pain, and fatigue symptoms. Improving blood flow will also increase mobility and allow people to engage in activities they may have previously avoided due to their condition.

Non-Invasive Treatment

Compression therapy is a non-invasive treatment that does not require surgery or medication; this makes it an attractive option for people who prefer a non-invasive approach. Compression stockings and bandages are also easy to use and can be worn under clothing, allowing people to do their daily activities without interruption.


Compression therapy is a safe and effective treatment for vein disease that offers numerous benefits. By improving blood flow, reducing pain and discomfort, preventing blood clots, and improving quality of life, helping people with vein disease to manage their condition and live a more comfortable and active life. If you are suffering from vein disease, please schedule an appointment at The Vein Company location that suits you best; our team of professionals will be happy to help.

3 Lifestyle Habits That Might Help You Prevent Vein Problems Progression

There are many answers on how to prevent vein problems, and so often, there is also the question of why one may suffer from them: age, gender, genetics, etc. But the one that is constant in a large percentage of patients is an unhealthy lifestyle. Patients can often help prevent vein problems like varicose and spider veins and slow the progression of existing issues with healthier habits. Keep in mind that a healthy lifestyle is what we recommend to anybody in general terms, not only to prevent vein problems, but it does not mean that it will cure or stop someone from developing vein diseases.

Chronic Venous Insufficiency, also called varicose veins or vein disease is very common and affects around 30% of adults over 30 years of age in the US. Symptoms include legs that feel tired, heavy, or achy at the end of the day. Other symptoms include leg swelling, an itchy feeling, or sometimes a burning sensation in the legs or feet. Since Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) is progressive, seeking healthy habits can help slow this disease’s progression.

According to experts at, “The causes of varicose veins are likely multifactorial. Increased pressure within the veins due to pregnancy, constipation, a tumor, or obesity can cause the development of varicose veins. A family history of varicose veins, a previous blood clot in the legs, older age, an inactive lifestyle, and long periods of sitting or standing increase the risk of varicose veins.” Occupations with extended periods of sitting or standing and not using the calf muscle often worsen CVI.

It’s impossible to know when or if you’ll face vein problems, but it’s not too late to start implementing healthier habits to help you deal with the progression of vein issues.

Here are 3 lifestyle changes that can help you prevent vein problems progression:

1. Physical activities are not only for your mind but also for your body:

 exercise to prevent vein problems
3 Lifestyle Habits That Might Help You Prevent Vein Problems Progression

Exercise. We know this advice can come as obvious, especially when it’s the number one doctor’s recommendation in most cases. Nevertheless, it’s essential to know that exercising doesn’t have to be a demanding and intense task. Try to look at exercise as something you’re doing for yourself, a way to get away from the day’s routine and clear your mind. Think of it as time for yourself or to share with a partner to prioritize your health.

No matter your age, you can do physical activity, even walking around your neighborhood or visiting the local park. Many studies prove that nature significantly impacts energy levels and positive mental health. If the weather doesn’t permit it, or if you are concerned about safety, walk laps around your local Mall! The point is to keep your body moving so your heart pumps, and your blood flows throughout your vascular system.

If you have the time and stamina, doing more intense workouts is always great. Joining a local gym, taking aerobics classes, or joining a tennis team with some friends will keep the blood flowing. Choose activities that are attractive to you to take your mind off the chore side of exercise and focus more on the entertainment aspect.

Exercise is a simple and cost-effective option to slow varicose veins progression!

2. Modify Your Workplace Routine to Prevent Vein Problems!

correct work routine to prevent vein problems


As a result of COVID-19, many Americans now work from home. You’re probably not walking as much as you used to like when you went into an office. With virtual meeting software, you no longer have to leave your desk and go to another location, even just across the hall, to meet with someone.

Sitting in your home office desk chair for long periods is one of the worst things you can do for your health. According to WebMD, sitting for extended periods without sufficient physical activity increases the risk of medical issues, vein problems, and much more. Most people these days are sitting for more than 8 hours in one workday, so try to move around more!

Realistically, this isn’t easy when you’re at work and focusing on tasks. An easy suggestion is for every 1 hour of sitting, you take a 2 – 3 minute break to stand, stretch your body, and walk somewhere, even if it’s just to the restroom or to get a drink of water. Standing and flexing your calf muscles also help the circulation and blood flow within your venous system. Although it would be ideal for your health, you don’t need to run or jump to get the blood circulating; you can save those activities for your lunch break or your time outside of work.

3. The Type of Shoes You Wear Matters:

Best Shoes To Prevent Vein Problems
Habits That Might Help You Prevent Vein Problems Progression

Usually, your shoes don’t significantly impact your health, but years of working in high heels or constantly wearing tight shoes come with a price, and your veins pay for it.

What are the ideal shoes and clothes for varicose and spider veins?

A more comfortable and professional choice of footwear reduced the risk of developing vein conditions. It can also relieve pain for varicose veins if you already have them by allowing your legs to get a proper blood supply. Avoid narrow or pointed shoes; this puts pressure on the foot and can restrict blood circulation. Find shoes that are comfortable and professional.

According to the Women’s Health Center, compression stockings help increase blood flow from your legs. Compression socks help slow venous disease progression and also help alleviate symptoms.

These three easy lifestyle hacks can help prevent varicose and spider veins or slow the progression of symptoms you may already have. Just remember, exercise more often, don’t sit for too long, and wear comfortable shoes.

If you have tired, heavy, achy legs or other symptoms such as burning or itchy legs, these are classic varicose vein symptoms. The visible effects of vein disease include leg swelling, large bulging veins (also known as varicosities), pigmentation, and skin changes. Sometimes, there are no visual effects as the varicose veins are internal and deeper beneath the skin.

If you need vein treatment, we are here to help you. Please schedule an appointment at one of our locations to consult one of our medical professionals for a FREE consultation!

Spider Veins: Understanding the Health Risks and Treatment Options Beyond Cosmetic Concerns

Spider Veins are a type of vein condition that is very often related to women. Many women will forego treatment because they assume if it’s not a problem, it doesn’t matter how it looks. So in their minds, the best “treatment” is to not look at them or cover them. However, this isn’t a matter that only affects women or something that is merely an aesthetic concern. When not treated, they can become a more significant issue, putting your health and comfort at risk.

So, you might wonder, how do I know when to get rid of spider veins? Is every vein I can see a spider vein? Is there a cure for spider veins?

Let us inform you a little more about them!

What are spider veins, and how to recognize them?

Recognizing Spider Veins To Varicose Veins

Spider veins are a mild form of varicose veins that appear as thin red or blue lines, typically on the legs, and they occur when the valves within the veins stop working correctly. These thin lines often form a web-like network, hence the name. Spider veins show through the skin, but they do not cause the skin to bulge out as varicose veins do.

The exact cause is unknown. Still, doctors suspect heredity, pregnancy, trauma, aging, hormones, standing up for a prolonged period, and even sun damage are factors that can play a role.

Signs and symptoms of pain may include the following:

  • Feeling pain or heaviness in the legs.
  • Burning, throbbing, muscle cramping, and swelling in the lower extremities.
  • Worsening pain after sitting or standing for a long time.
  • Itching around one or more veins.

Spider veins usually carry fewer health risks than varicose veins. In some cases, however, they can lead to more severe problems such as swelling, constant pain, changes in skin color, clotting, and ulcers. Less commonly, spider veins may signify blood pooling in deeper parts of the body.

Is there a natural remedy for spider veins?

Suppose you are unbothered by your spider veins, which are not painful enough to reach a doctor. In that case, you can do some simple activities at home or work to improve blood circulation in your legs and incorporate easy spider vein therapy into your daily routine.

  • Get regular physical activity. Leg muscles help the veins return blood to the heart against the force of gravity. Any exercise that works the leg muscles will help prevent the development of new ones.
  • Keep your weight in check, as the extra weight makes it more difficult for your veins to return blood to the heart against the force of gravity.
  • Don’t sit or stand for long periods. If you have to stand or sit at work or home for long, take a break every 30 minutes to stand up and walk around. Regular movement causes your leg muscles to carry blood back to your heart more than when sitting or standing still.
  • Wear compression stockings. Compression stockings help increase blood flow in your legs and can become the best light therapy for spider veins.
  • Put your feet up. Elevating your feet while sitting returns blood to your heart effectively.

Don’t forget that the best way to get rid of spider veins is with the help of a professional.

When to see a doctor?

If your spider veins cause pain or discomfort or turn into varicose veins, it is vital to see a doctor. A healthcare professional can help you determine the best treatment for your spider veins and prevent potential health risks.

What can happen if spider veins go untreated?

Most spider veins do not cause significant health problems, but large ones can cause throbbing pain and discomfort, especially after prolonged sitting or standing.

Sometimes they can trigger more severe health problems, such as:

  • Skin wounds or ulcers caused by the long-term pooling of blood in the veins; are painful and difficult to heal. The skin over varicose veins can become thinner and bruise easily. Any injury to the vein can cause bleeding.
  • Blood clots formed in the veins just below the surface. These blood clots can cause skin redness, a warm, soft, firm vein, pain, and swelling.
  • Blood clots in the veins deeper under the skin. Blood clots can cause pain, swelling, warmth, and a “pulling” sensation in the calf.

Spider Veins Laser Treatment Risks

Although spider veins are mainly a cosmetic concern and may not be an urgent health issue, we encourage you to watch it closely for any signs of evolution into a more severe problem.

At The Vein Company, we specialize in varicose and spider vein treatment. Our team of professionals specializes in helping you achieve the best possible results. If you’re interested in a varicose or spider vein treatment, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with us. We’ll gladly help and guide you with everything you need.

Do Laser Treatments for Spider & Varicose Veins Hurt?

laser treatments for spider varicose vein hurt
Varicose and spider veins occur when your veins stop functioning as they should. In a normal vein, blood flows in one direction with the support of a one-way valve and the surrounding muscles. When these valves fail, blood can flow backward or pool within the vein. Spider veins are a milder form and tend to be closer to the surface of the skin, often looking like a spider web. Varicose veins are larger veins and tend to rise above the skin, often looking like twisted cords in the legs. One of the most common treatments for varicose and spider veins is endovenous thermal ablation or laser treatment. A big question people want to know is, does this treatment hurt? The good news is, thanks to many advances, this treatment method results in less pain and quicker recovery time than other treatment options, such as vein stripping.

Laser Treatment Preparation May Cause Discomfort

Laser treatment for varicose or spider veins occurs with a laser that is inside the vein. To do this, your provider places a catheter inside the vein to thread the laser in. The procedure typically begins with a topical numbing agent before injections of numbing medicine are placed throughout the length of the vein being treated. During these injections, you may experience mild pain or discomfort, similar to a mosquito bite. This part of the procedure is usually the most uncomfortable.

You Likely Won’t Feel the Laser

After all the numbing injections, your provider will make a small incision to insert the catheter. The catheter is then guided into the vein. Once in place, the laser is inserted through the catheter and the catheter is removed. At this point, the laser begins heating and treating your varicose or spider vein. Thanks to the numbing medications, you will likely not feel this part at all.
Numbing medications help to keep your varicose vein laser treatment from hurting or causing discomfort.

After Your Laser Therapy Treatment

After your treatment, you will likely be asked to wear compression stockings. This helps to reduce any bruising, tenderness, discomfort, and the risk of blood clots. But, other than some new socks, you will be able to return to your normal activities the following day. If spider or varicose veins are causing you problems, contact The Vein Company in Tennessee today for more information on your treatment options.  

3 Exercises to Help Ease & Prevent Varicose Veins

3 Exercises to Help Prevent & Ease Varicose Veins
With people working more hours and having busy lifestyles, regular exercise to prevent varicose veins is not always at the top of everyone’s list. Unfortunately, in addition to contributing to rising rates of obesity, this lack of exercise can also contribute to varicose veins. The good news is that adding as little as 30 minutes of exercise a day can help you prevent varicose veins and reduce your risk of developing vein problems, as well as help ease the symptoms if you already have them. While 30 minutes a day is recommended, you don’t have to set aside that time in one block of your day. Instead, you can break up the day into three 10-minute sets, making it easier to get in the exercise your legs need to be in their best shape. Here are three exercise examples that are a great place to start and are easy to work into your daily routine.

1. Walking Can Really Make a Difference

Walking is a great exercise that requires no special equipment or a trip to the gym. Regular walks, such as around your neighborhood, can help you lose weight, maintain healthy blood pressure and help to strengthen muscles and bones. In addition, walking is very effective for varicose veins. And it doesn’t need to be a long walk. For varicose vein health, short five-minute walks throughout the day can be more effective than a single, 30-minute walk. So, instead of hunting for the closest parking spot to the store, park a little farther and take a little stroll. Your legs will thank you for it. If you can’t get outside for a walk, consider walking in place while watching your favorite television show instead.

2. Calf Flexors You Can Do Anywhere

If you spend a lot of your day sitting at a desk or have a long commute, chances are your calves need some strengthening. Tightening your calf muscles can make a big difference when it comes to varicose veins. Simple calf flexor exercises can be done anywhere, including while you stand in line for your morning latte. Simply stand with your feet flat on the floor. Raise your toes up and feel the stretch in your calves. Slowly lower your toes to the flat position and then raise your heels, feeling another stretch in the calf muscles. Repeat these motions for 30 seconds to a minute and your calves will thank you.

3. Simple Stretching, Such as Leg Lifts

Simple stretching exercises are great to help stabilize the muscles in the body and help build core strength. Regular stretching can also help increase blood circulation as well as strengthen the muscles that support your veins, reducing the risk of varicose veins. Leg lifts are simple exercises that you can do at home to help strengthen your leg muscles. While lying flat on your back, slowly lift up one leg at a time and hold it up for a few seconds before slowly lowering it back to the ground. Repeat this with the other leg. If getting down to the ground is difficult, leg lifts can also be done in a standing position. Simply raise one leg at a time out in front of you or out to the side. Hold in position for a few seconds before returning to a standing position. By adding just 30 minutes of exercise a day, you can help boost your circulation and strengthen the muscles that support good vein health. This can help reduce the risk of developing varicose veins or help reduce the need for varicose vein treatment.  

4 Tips to Baby Your Veins this Holiday Season

Tips to Baby Your Veins this Holiday Season
Let’s read all about tips to baby your veins! While the holidays are filled with family, friends, and fun, they can also be a very stressful time, especially for your legs and varicose veins. All the long hours of shopping for gifts can take their toll, leaving your legs swelling and in pain. It is important that, during the holiday season, you take time for yourself and give your veins the care and support they need. Following these three tips will make your holidays a little easier and your veins much happier.

1. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Following a healthy diet during the holidays is never easy. While you don’t need to say no to every holiday treat, making sure you eat healthily and drink plenty of water is essential for good vein health. Foods rich in bioflavonoids, such as spinach and broccoli, help to strengthen the walls of your veins and are beneficial when you have varicose veins. Avoid foods high in salt as this contributes to swelling.

2. Watch What You Wear

When it comes to varicose veins, wearing compression stockings are often advised. These stockings constrict the veins and promote proper blood flow. While this restriction is designed in a specific way to promote good blood flow, wearing tight and restricting clothing, especially around the waist and stomach, can make the pain from varicose veins worse. When choosing your outfit for the big holiday party, choose comfort over fashion and pick something that is non-restricting.

3. Take Care of Your Legs

With varicose veins, the holiday season means you need to take the time to pamper your legs. Sitting or standing for long periods at a time can contribute to leg pain and swelling, so it is important to adjust what you are doing often.
Giving your legs a change of pace and a little pampering during your holiday shopping can offer relief to varicose veins.
Take time to sit and relax while shopping. If traveling long distances, make sure that you get up and walk during long periods of sitting. If you are traveling on a plane and can’t get up to walk, you can still stretch out your legs with simple exercises like flexing and pointing your feet or rotating your ankles. In addition, take time throughout the day to elevate your feet. Raising your feet level slightly above your heart reduces the force of gravity and helps the blood flow easier through the veins.

4. Seek Treatment

Don’t let the stress of the holidays take its toll on your legs. The holidays are a time of giving and receiving gifts and the biggest gift you can give this holiday season is to yourself and your legs. If the holidays do take a toll, the cooler months after the holidays are a good time to consider treatment for varicose veins and get you ready to show off your legs by summer. Contact us online or call us today at one of our three locations in Sevierville, Johnson City, and Knoxville, Tennessee to learn more or to schedule an appointment.  

3 Easy Tricks to Help Prevent Varicose Veins

We are excited to talk to you about 3 easy tricks to help prevent varicose veins

Varicose veins are those bulging, bluish cords that you can see just under the surface of the skin. Typically, they can be found on the legs and cause more than 30 million Americans to hide behind long pants each summer.

Varicose veins are the result of dysfunctional valves inside the vein that allow blood to pool and flow backward, expanding the vein. While varicose veins are usually painless, they can be painful and, if left untreated, can progress to a disease called Chronic Venous Insufficiency. While you can’t control risk factors like age and genetics, there are some things you can to help prevent varicose vein problems from developing or getting worse.

Get Moving

When it comes to your risk of varicose veins, gravity is not your friend. Standing or sitting for prolonged periods can make it harder for blood to travel in your legs as it fights against gravity. Maybe you notice swelling in your ankles or calves at the end of the day? Getting up and moving, even if it is a short walk around the living room, gets your blood circulating. Elevating your feet above your heart at least three times a day helps reduce the force of gravity and makes it easier for the blood to flow.

Follow a Healthy Lifestyle

While you can’t change risk factors like your age or traits passed down from your mom, you can make an active choice to live a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercising helps to keep your muscles toned, your weight under control, and your blood flowing properly. Excess weight can cause pressure to build-up on the veins and restrict blood flow. Smoking, as well as alcohol use, is likely to increase your risk of developing varicose veins.

Watch What You Wear

What you wear on a regular basis can increase your risk of developing varicose veins. Instead of fancy high-heeled shoes, reach for flats. These shows help work the calf muscles more, help increase muscle tone, and are better for circulation.

Keep the clothes you wear around your waist, groin, and legs as loose as possible. Tight clothes in these areas can restrict your blood flow and increase your risk of developing or worsening varicose veins.

Can You Fix Your Spider or Varicose Veins at Home?

If you live with spider or varicose veins disease, you are not alone. It is estimated that one out of every five adults have varicose veins, with more than 40 percent of women having some sort of vein condition, including spider veins and varicose veins. While they can be unsightly, they can, in the case of varicose veins, also pose health risks. While the internet may offer a world of at-home remedies for these conditions, real treatment by a specialist is what you really need.

What is the Difference Between Varicose Veins and Spiders?

While the names of these veins are often used together, they are slightly different conditions. Let’s take a closer look at each one and what causes them.

Spider Veins

are a mild form of varicose veins that appear as thin red or blue lines, typically on the legs. They sit near the surface of the skin. These thin lines often form a web-like network, hence the name.

They occur when the valves within the veins stop working properly. The exact cause of the disease is unknown, but it is believed that heredity, pregnancy, trauma, aging, hormones, and even sun damage can play a role. Typically, they do not pose a health risk and are more of a cosmetic issue.

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins can be blue, red, or even flesh-colored and look like bulging cords above the skin. These veins lie deeper within the body, and, like spider veins, are caused when valves in the vein stop working.

This valve malfunction causes blood to flow back into the veins instead of traveling to the heart. This increased blood volume causes the veins to expand. Varicose veins can cause pain, aches, restless legs, and burning and itching of the skin.

If varicose veins go untreated, they can worsen and lead to chronic venous insufficiency. This condition can cause leg swelling, skin damage, and ulcers.

Fixing These Veins Requires a Doctor

While many sites may boast of home remedies such as herbal teas or dietary changes and exercise, it is recommended that you consult a varicose vein doctor near you to treat these veins and rule out any additional risks. Treatments for spider veins and varicose veins include:

  • This treatment involves injecting a solution into the affected veins in order to shrink the vein and clot the blood.
  • Endovenous Thermal Ablation. This treatment involves a small catheter placed inside the vein that uses heat to seal the vein closed. Once closed, and over time, the vein shrinks and is absorbed by the body.
  • VenaSeal™️. This treatment option for varicose veins uses an advanced medical adhesive to close the affected vein. Like with endovenous thermal ablation, the treated vein typically shrinks and disappears.
  • Microambulatory Phlebectomy. This procedure occurs when the closed vein does not disappear. It is a minor surgical procedure to remove the targeted vein.

If you are bothered by spider or varicose veins, look for a varicose vein doctor near you and make an appointment for a consultation. Not only will you make those bothersome lines disappear, but you will help reduce your risk of any possible complications that could arise.