Not Just Women are Affected By Varicose Veins

Traditionally, with age comes a release of the classic signs of attractiveness like wrinkle-free arms, mole-free faces, and varicose-vein-free legs. But despite being associated with aging in women, varicose veins are far from a classic sign of aging beauty. While often seen as a primarily cosmetic concern that emotionally affects women, these bulging veins affect both women and men and both youth and golden-aged people.

Men Are Affected, Too!

Despite the cosmetic implications, the appearance of varicose veins is a treatable medical condition that flows throughout the world with little preference for gender. According to research, an estimated 40% of men are stricken with the condition. The men and women who find themselves with bulging veins have more to worry about than appearance. Varicose veins can lead to conditions like skin-bleeding, skin discoloration, skin ulcers, and a “heavy leg” sensation.

This condition has a strong genetic component, where veins in the lower extremities expand when standing erect, and then do not return to their original position. Those genetically predisposed to weaker vein walls are at risk of developing varicose veins. Thankfully for men, overcoming a genetic predisposition for varicose veins doesn’t require anything outrageous. Experts say that exercising is the easiest way to maintain a consistently strong blood flow and keep the walls of the veins strong and in top condition.

Also, men who enjoy those pepperoni pizzas, flaming hot buffalo sauces, and tasty hot sausages may have to simmer those habits down in favor of a good, healthy vein flow. Research indicates that a high sodium diet most certainly contributes to the development of varicose veins.

Move Your Body, Get Blood Flowing

And finally, the last and most difficult task performed in order to avoid those popping varicose veins: GET UP! While many of us have the misfortune of working in an office where our bums do most of the heavy lifting all day, this unhealthy habit leads to blood pooling and exaggerated veins. While doing a full-on bodybuilding session in the middle of the office is far from optional for most of us, 55-year-old you will thank you kindly or years to come for taking those extra bathroom breaks.

Because varicose veins are often marketed as a mere cosmetic problem strictly for older women, men of all ages are done a huge disservice. If symptoms of restless leg syndrome, pain in calves after walking, and muscle cramps, consistently affect you, regardless of gender, then non-cosmetic treatment plans might be the option.

Please contact us today! to do a  professional evaluation!